
    This is your quick guide to all functions available on this server. These are generally free of censorship and surveillance from governments and corporations. They generally have more functionality than the big tech similar apps.

    Get all the news

    Use FreshRSS.

    Social Media

    Use Mastodon or Lemmy (Similar to X and Reddit).

    Save articles to read later or share

    Use Readeck or Nextcloud Bookmarks. Archive full pages or sites with Archivebox.

    Collect/watch/read/listen to media

    Use Jellyfin and/or Nextcloud. Watch Youtube without ads and tracking.

    Backup, sync, and share any files

    Use Nextcloud, Cryptpad, or Send.

    Office suite of productivity tools

    Use Nextcloud, Cryptpad, Grist, or Ethercalc.

    Calendar, appointments, address book, notes, forms, and polls

    Use Nextcloud.

    Track finances, expenses, health, location, maps, and tasks

    Use Nextcloud.

    Privately communicate

    Use Simplex, XMPP, Talk, or Private Bin. More information.

    Password Manager

    Use Vaultwarden/Bitwarden or Nextcloud passwords. More information about credential management

    Search and translate

    Use Librex and translate.


    Use Nextcloud mail client with your existing email accounts. Contact me if you want a new private email account.

    Mantain your own websites

    Create pages or collectives in Nextcloud. Create a page of your links with Linkstack. Ask me to setup your own complete website.

    Fun and Games

    Create Memes.

    Play Hextris.

    Truly free services for my friends and familyPowered by Bludit