Private, secure, decentralized, valuable, and fun services
Some of the services provided here are available to anybody by word of month. Most of the services are available for friends and family for whom I have created an account. I also wrote some guides to help on topics.
Although these services have similar functionality to those provided by megatech corporations, they are fundamentally different. People are not products here. These services are 100% organic and free as in freedom. I provide everything at no cost to those I invite to use them. They are free of surveillance, advertising, blockchain, third party AI, and government or corporate access or influence. These services are generally more functional and better to them as well.
No Lock in
Big tech generally makes their services very convenient to adopt and use, but they make them very inconvenient to leave. This is their strategy to lock in or trap people. Try to leave them and learn for yourself.
None of the services here on Ravergram.club lock people in. I will show you how to setup your own services or move to somewhere you like better anytime.
These services are invaluable to me. I should probably charge people money to use them. Because they are free to you, you might assume these services are of little value. If my friends and family do not use these services, I hope they are paying for better private and decentralized services.
Why am I providing these services?
I use all these services myself. I have a little more technical aptitude than most of my friends and family. What I get in return is the comfort of knowing that those I love are not being abused through surveillance, censorship, and other tricks.
I started hosting services to gain privacy for my friends and family from mass surveillance, but now my bigger motivation is freedom of speech which is critical for a semblance of functioning democracy.
I will document here what is available as it changes. Check back here when you are curious about a new service/tile that appears in Ravergram.club portal to understand how to use it. If it is not documented, it is likely still a work in progress. Tell me if you see an app or service you would like. If you want an account or other services, contact me.
This is what the decentralized internet managed by communities instead of governments and corporations looks like.